Kasumi Santoku Damascus 180 мм.

Japanese kitchen knife Santoku. Blade made of the best combination of a fabric upholstery steel package with a VG10 core, a handle made of reinforced wood in a traditional Japanese Прочети повече... 

243.00 лв.

243.00 лв.

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Japanese kitchen knife Santoku. Blade made of the best combination of a fabric upholstery steel package with a VG10 core, a handle made of reinforced wood in a traditional Japanese shape for better friction to the hand. And like any original Japanese kitchen knife, it is light in weight so that it does not tire the hand of the ladies, even during long professional work.

Total size 31cm Am. Blade 18cm Weight 205g Hardness 59-60 Matt Blade VG10 Damascus 32 Layers Handle Stabilized Magnolia

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