About me

Godpodin Ivanov - Tinko Knifes

A few words about me

I have been making author's knives since the beginning of 2010. The knives I made are copyrighted and no sketches, diagrams or drawings are kept. When re-making a knife, the production is done with a new sketch, which ensures that this knife is the only one. 

I use mainly modern powder steels such as RWL34, CPM D2, CPM S35VN, CPM 3V, CPM 154 CM, CPM S90V, M390, K390. The heat treatment is performed according to the specifications of the steel with the help of a digitally controlled furnace, which promotes accurate temperature regimes. I will be happy to share with you your recommendations and remarks, as well as if you like my work and deliver positive emotions.
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Some Interesting Facts

About Knifes

Knife (from Old Bulgarian nožь, nьziti meaning "pierce") is a cutting tool with different purposes, which consists of two parts - a wedge and a handle.

The wedge is usually made of steel or some other metal or alloy, but can also be made of bone, stone or wood (eg bamboo). The handle is most often made of wood, bone, horn, metal or plastic. The handles of the knives made of artificial material are cast on the blade, while the handles made of organic materials are attached to the blade in different ways - by attaching chirens with rivets, driving the handle or stringing a number of leather or wood rings. The blade may be sharpened only on one side, which is also its cutting part, but it may be sharpened on both sides. A knife on which the blade is sharpened on both sides is called a dagger. Sharpening takes place in different profiles depending on its purpose.

There are two main types of knives - with a fixed blade and folding, as each of the two types is divided into many types according to the shape of the blade, purpose, method of manufacture, etc.
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